Sergio Bersanetti

travel tips and tricks

travel tips for a happy journey

Miscellaneous Travel Tips and Tricks

Tips to Optimize Time When Visiting a Foreign Country

Here is the first of my travel tips. Traveling to a foreign country can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. There’s so much to see and do and so little time. But with a little bit of planning, you can make the most of your time and have a more enjoyable trip.

First, prioritize your activities. Make a list of the things you absolutely must see and do and schedule them first.

Next, plan your route. Try to group activities together by location to save time and avoid backtracking.

Finally, be flexible. Things don’t always go according to plan, but if you’re open to new experiences, you might discover something even better than what you had planned.

With a little bit of planning and a lot of flexibility, you can make the most of your time in a foreign country and create memories that will last a lifetime. And if you want to spend less, make sure to read my tips about cheap traveling


5 Items That Will Make Your Long Flight Much Better

You have a 10 hour flight waiting for you. You have booked the flight with the most comfortable seat and the best entertaining system that you could afford. You know that you will be provided with a blanket and a pillow, and you also know that you can charge your phone using the socket of the seat in front of you.
But is this really all it takes for a comfortable flight? Not quite, and that’s why now I’m going to show you five items that I always bring with me during my long flights to Asia. They are light and small, so there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t have them with you.

The first item is a pair of earplugs. They can really make a big difference on a long flight since they block out unwanted noise and help you get some rest even in a noisy cabin.

Next up, we have compression socks. Long haul flights can be tough on your legs, and compression socks help to improve circulation and reduce swelling. Plus, they’re great for preventing deep vein thrombosis.

Item number three is an eye mask. Blocking out light is essential for a comfortable flight, and an eye mask is the perfect way to do it. They’re lightweight and compact, so you won’t even notice you are carrying one.

What’s about warm socks? I like to take my shoes off during the flight, and thanks to this extra pair of thick socks, I can walk the aile when I want to go to the toilet or just stretch my legs, without having to put on my shoes every time.

Last but not least, facial wipes. Your skin may get very dry during a long flight, and facial wipes are a quick and easy way to freshen up your face and remove any dirt or oil that may have built up during the flight.


5 Jet Lag Remedies for a Restful and Energized Trip - Travel Tips and Tricks

If you’re someone who frequently takes long flights, you’ve probably experienced jet lag. Now I’m going to share with you five surprising jet lag remedies that will help you with the exhaustion and have a restful and energized trip.

Try taking a cold shower upon arrival at your destination. The sudden change in temperature can help reset your body’s internal clock and give you a burst of energy.

Expose yourself to natural light. Getting outside and soaking up some sunlight can help regulate your body’s melatonin production and boost your mood.

Avoid alcohol and coffee during your flight. Both substances can mess with your sleep patterns and leave you feeling worse upon arrival.

Consider using acupressure. There are certain pressure points on your body that when stimulated can help reduce fatigue and promote relaxation.

And lastly, stay hydrated. Dehydration can worsen jet lag symptoms, so make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight.


7 Tips to Change Your Eating Habits During Travel

Maintaining healthy eating habits can be difficult while traveling, but there are certain measures you can take to prevent compromising your physique.

First, when you are at an airport or train station, look for healthy options such as salads, sandwiches, and fresh fruit. Avoid fried or processed foods and sugary drinks.

When traveling on a plane or in a long car ride, it’s a good idea to pack your own snacks. This way, you can avoid the unhealthy snacks offered on the plane or at rest stops.

When you reach your destination, consider staying at a hotel with a kitchenette or mini fridge. This will allow you to store healthy snacks and make simple meals in your room, such as a smoothie or oatmeal.

When eating out at restaurants, look for options that are grilled or baked, and ask for dressings and sauces on the side. Choose a side of salad or vegetables instead of fries or chips.

When exploring a new city or town, check out the local markets and grocery stores. This is a great way to find fresh and healthy snacks to take on the go.

Plan ahead. Research the food options at your destination beforehand, and plan your meals accordingly. This will help you make healthier choices and avoid last minute decisions that could lead to unhealthy food choices.

And finally, practice moderation. It’s okay to indulge in the local cuisine or treat yourself to a dessert, but practice moderation. Enjoy the food, but don’t overdo it. Listen to your body, and stop eating when you feel full. 


Fear of Flying? Read This Possible Remedy - Travel Tips and Tricks

Fear of flying can be a debilitating experience for many people, but there’s a scientifically proven solution that can help.

Studies have shown that wearing noise canceling headphones during a flight can reduce anxiety and make the experience more pleasant.
Try this, for a better flying experience. On Amazon you can find plenty.


Why Turbulence Alone Has Never Crashed A Plane

Flying is one of the safest forms of transportation; in fact, according to the International Air Transport Association, your chances of dying in a plane crash are one in 11 million.
However, when we feel a little jolt while on an airplane, we wonder if that could cause the plane to crash.

Although the idea of a plane crashing due to turbulence seems, on the surface, a reasonable one, the fact is that turbulence alone has never actually crashed a plane. Even in cases reported decades ago, it is very likely that other factors not known at that time were involved, starting with human error.

So, why should we feel confident that when we encounter turbulence, most likely we will only have to face a few minutes of annoyance or discomfort at worst?

First of all, planes are built to withstand turbulence. They have to be able to handle changes in the atmosphere during flights, and they are designed to take these changes into account.
The fuselage is made of strong materials like aluminum and titanium, and the wings are designed to be aerodynamic, which helps reduce the impact of turbulence on the plane.

Second, pilots are trained to handle turbulent conditions. They know how to adjust their route or altitude to reduce the impact of turbulence. They can even turn off the autopilot and fly manually if necessary. This skill is essential for avoiding dangerous turbulence.

Third, modern airplanes include advanced technology, such as better weather radar and improved autopilot software, that can help detect and avoid turbulence. This allows pilots to respond quickly and take the necessary steps to avoid any turbulence that might occur.

Finally, turbulence is not a sudden event. It is usually a slow-developing event that gives pilots plenty of time to react. So even if the aircraft does encounter turbulence, it won’t be too strong or last too long for the pilot to respond and prevent an airplane crash.

To recap: turbulence alone has never crashed a plane because of its design, the skill of the pilots, and the technology available today. In fact, planes are built and operated to handle turbulence, and pilots are proficient at avoiding it when necessary.

Consider also that airline industry takes safety very seriously, because it’s in their interest that more and more people feel encouraged to fly. More passengers means more need for airplanes and therefore more sales, so you can rest assured that they will do everything they can to keep you safe while flying.


How to Pack for a Music Festival

The key to packing for a music festival is to pack light and only bring the essentials. You don’t want to be lugging around a heavy suitcase when you’re dancing the night away! 

First things first,  make a packing checklist.  This will help you stay organized and ensure you don’t forget anything important. 

I recommend bringing a backpack and a small carry-on suitcase.  The backpack is perfect for carrying around all your festival essentials,  like water bottles,  sunscreen,  and snacks.  The carry-on suitcase is great for storing your clothes and other larger items. 

Next up,  footwear.  It’s important to bring a pair of comfortable shoes that you can walk and dance in all day long.  Trust me,  your feet will thank you! 

Another important item to pack is a raincoat.  You never know when the weather might turn,  and you don’t want to get caught in a downpour without proper gear. 

Lastly,  make sure to bring a portable charger for your phone.  You’ll likely be taking lots of photos and videos,  and you don’t want your phone to die in the middle of the day. 


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