My Sichuan

Sichuan (15 July – 18 August 2015)

What and where is Sichuan?

With a population of approximately 90 million, Sichuan is a province of the People’s Republic of China that spans over an area of 485,000 square kilometers.

To provide you with a sense of its scale, consider that Italy’s land area measures slightly over 301,000 square kilometers. Its capital city is Chengdu, and it consists of 21 districts and counties.

While the region’s soil features often result in frequent and devastating earthquakes, its climate and vegetation allow for the flourishing of two well-known organisms: the giant panda and the Sichuan pepper, which, despite its name, is not actually related to pepper, but instead, is a berry.

During my trip, I accompanied Pan, a Chinese boy who was born and raised in Chengdu and currently resides in Italy, and I stayed with his family for most of the time. While the area typically experiences a lot of rainfall during the summer, we were fortunate to only encounter it for a few days.

Before diving into the specifics of our journey, I want to clarify that even though Sichuan is bigger than Italy, it only accounts for 20% of China’s landmass, so when I refer to “the Chinese” doing or being a certain way, I am only referring to those in Sichuan.

Physical differences exist between northern and southern Chinese individuals as well as substantial variances in behavior due to climate and other factors.

Some blog entries will follow a chronological sequence, while others will concentrate on particular themes.

First days in Chengdu

Upon my arrival at Milan airport, I am met with a less than ideal reception. The check-in process is overwhelmed with over 200 individuals standing in line, while only two desks are open. Nonetheless, I remain in good spirits and occupy myself during the lengthy wait by daydreaming about dragons and lanterns.

Then, onboard the flight, the Etihad crew attempts to intoxicate me by offering various wines that are intended for first-class passengers. Despite their efforts, I manage to maintain my sobriety. In addition, they aim frigid air at my head in an effort to subdue me, but I’m able to defend myself by using a blanket as a shield. Ultimately, I persevere until I reach my final destination of Chengdu via Abu Dhabi.

Fortunately, Pan’s relatives warmly welcome us as we arrive, and we are promptly whisked away to his uncle’s restaurant and escorted to a private lounge.

Waiting for us is the first of many hot pots (huǒguō or 火锅 in Chinese) that I will enjoy over the next six weeks. Hot pot is widely recognized as a convivial dish in China, making it the perfect choice to greet guests, enjoy meals with friends, and even for business engagements.

The dish is typically served by placing a pot filled with boiling broth at the center of the table and kept warm by a small stove. The pot is often divided into multiple sections so that the broth can take on various flavors, depending on the spices added. A variety of raw ingredients such as meat, fish, vegetables, and mushrooms are then dipped into the broth and cooked to taste before being dipped into a sauce and eaten.

Although there are many regional variations of hot pot, the most well-known is the Sichuan style, which is known for its extreme spiciness. Along with chili pepper, which covers almost the entire surface of the pot, this ‘explosive’ mixture also includes the remarkable Sichuan pepper and doubanjiang, a paste made from beans and pepper.

To counteract the heat for an unaccustomed mouth like mine, a soybean drink is the only solution before being stunned by a 52-degree liquor that cost nearly 700 yuan (about 100 euros) per bottle.

After Etihad left our luggage in Abu Dhabi, Pan’s father has given us some money to purchase clothes since it could take up to three days before we could use our own belongings.

We decide to visit the New Century Global Center, which is the largest single-structure building in the world, spanning 500 meters in length, 400 meters in width, and 100 meters in height. The center contains an array of facilities such as stores, restaurants, cinemas, hotels, convention halls, game rooms, and offices, leaving no shortage of entertainment, shopping, dining, or leisure options.

The entrance to the movie theaters is awe-inspiring, and the garden boasts a magnificent fountain that dances to the background music.

While strolling by a shop window, I spot a beautiful shirt similar to traditional Chinese dresses and inquire with Pan about the price. He informs me that it happens to be on sale within our budget, and after trying it on, I purchase it. The sales clerk invites us to a private room for a tea ceremony, and I realize later that the shirt is quite expensive, costing around 120 euros, woven from a rare plant found only in Sichuan.

Despite my embarrassment, Pan’s family seems pleased to see me in the shirt. Check out the video below for a better glimpse of the Global Center in Chengdu.

Chengdu Global Center

I would say sobriety is not the main characteristic of this building…

The day after, as I’m still struggling with jet-lag, I decide that visiting a place of worship with a serene and peaceful atmosphere is the most sensible choice.

The Wuhou Memorial Temple, which dates back to 1672 and was built in honor of Zhuge Liang, the military strategist of Emperor Liu Bei during the Qing Dynasty, has caught my attention.

Though the temple itself is not the highlight, I find the sprawling bonsai garden and adjacent park, spanning an area of almost 37,000 square meters, truly stunning. The temple is situated on the southern outskirts of Chengdu.

Additionally, the Jing Li Road that runs alongside the memorial is worth exploring as well (last photo).

In the video below I provide you with a summary of the park, and you may hear a distinct rustling sound in the background, which is produced by a variety of cicada that is native to Sichuan.

The locals in Chengdu adore this sound because it reminds them of the summertime.

Wuhou Park

Spontaneous singing and dancing, (as well as the practice of tai chi), are daily activities that can be observed throughout Chengdu’s parks and many squares, especially at sunset.

Downtown Chendgu

Chengdu has five ring roads, with three being toll-free and the remaining two requiring payment. These roads are located within the expansive metropolis that houses 21 million people, which is five times the size of Rhode Island.

However, only the three innermost ring roads are typically associated with the city, as the outer two cover less populated and rural areas. While Chengdu is divided into districts, identifying a place based on its ring location is often more practical than its district designation.The first ring is considered downtown Chengdu, and it is also the priciest section of the city.

The accompanying photos and videos were taken within this area.

Chunxi Road is a well-known destination for luxury shopping in Chengdu. Although it is named a “road,” it comprises multiple streets and covers around 20 hectares. Apart from high-end fashion outlets, visitors can also find a variety of restaurants and shopping malls in the area.

One of the most prominent malls is IFS, featuring a large terrace where visitors can enjoy a drink while admiring a giant panda sculpture.

Despite the city’s modernization, it still pays homage to its past. Near IFS, there is a block of restored old buildings that are still occupied.

While exploring the street food area in Chengdu, one may stumble upon a stall with a unique game. It involves a wheel of fortune with animal illustrations, and the animal indicated by the pointer is molded from caramelized sugar by the stall manager. This creative idea is not unusual in the area and may someday gain popularity in Europe.

Let’s move on to Chengdu’s downtown nightlife.

Lan Kwai Fong comprises of streets that are completely filled with nightclubs playing various genres of music and serving copious amounts of alcohol. Despite the abundant presence of alcohol, instances of brawls or drunken incidents are uncommon. In the final picture, you can admire the exquisite Jiu Yan Qiao Bridge.

In the video below, you can catch a glimpse of glutinous rice balls, resembling mochi, that are coated with a blend of sesame seeds, peanut powder, and brown sugar. What sets them apart and makes them unique to Chengdu is the method used to achieve this coating, which you can discover by watching the video.

For the record, all the footage was shot well after midnight on a weekday, indicating that Chengdu is a city that never sleeps.

Lan Kwai Fong

Where the night is young … always!

A visit to Chengdu would not be complete without witnessing a spectacular performance at the Sichuan Opera House on Quingtai Road. This captivating show has been around since the late Ming Dynasty and features an array of impressive acts such as mask changes, shadow play, fire performances, puppetry, and humorous skits that often elicit laughter from the audience.

Before the show, visitors can relax in the pleasant waiting room which showcases various traditional Sichuan artifacts, adding to the overall ambiance of the experience.

The entrance to the Opera House can also be seen in the first photo, making it easy to locate.

The event holds even greater significance for me as I can finally showcase my pricey shirt and indulge in three distinct teas accompanied by pastries whilst waiting for the show to commence.

Additionally, a noteworthy perk is the chance to witness the actors’ makeup preparation in the dressing rooms prior to the performance; since filming is prohibited, I only take some photos.

Anyway, the enchantment of the evening cannot be replicated through photos or videos, hence why I highly recommend setting aside a night to experience this opportunity when visiting Chengdu.

If you don’t have a fear of heights, you can enjoy a delightful evening downtown by visiting the West Pearl Tower, also called the Radio & TV Tower.

This structure stands at a height of 339 meters, making it the tallest building in Chengdu. Apart from providing a mesmerizing view, it houses a revolving restaurant at a height of 209 meters, where diners can relish their food while taking in the constantly changing scenery.

West Pearl Tower

Dinner with a view at the revolving restaurant 

Speaking of restaurants, there is one particular spot that is a must-visit if you want to indulge in authentic Chengdu cuisine and immerse yourself in a setting where you will most likely be the sole foreigner. Kang’erjie Tasty Shashlik is located at 99 Zhongdao and not featured in guidebooks or advertised with any signage outside the establishment. It is nestled in a building’s courtyard, with no visible street markers to help you find it.

Despite this, reservations must be made several days ahead of time due to the locals’ word-of-mouth promotion that has made this restaurant a success. Besides a complimentary appetizer, which is served on a small plate, all the other grilled food is served on skewers, featuring small portions of meat (including internal organs), vegetables, mushrooms, and tofu.

The bill is calculated based on the number of skewers on your table, which are counted using a special machine (as two diners may accumulate over 30 skewers). Although I am unsure how they compute the price since the skewers’ ingredients are not uniform, the bill was reasonable, and I did not feel the need to ask.

Regardless, I highly recommend making a reservation and bringing someone who speaks Chinese, as the managers and other patrons may not be able to communicate in another language.

Secret restaurant

When eating is only one of the interesting aspects of a restaurant

However, if you’re feeling like having a coffee or a refreshing beverage in the mid-afternoon, what could be more enjoyable than visiting a café situated on the 43rd floor of a skyscraper?

Regrettably, I haven’t noted down the location, and the internet isn’t much of assistance either. Nonetheless, as you can observe, the building is strikingly distinctive, and any taxi driver who is familiar with downtown Chengdu should be able to take you there, provided that the place hasn’t ceased to exist by the time you come across this article.

43rd Floor Café

For a pleasant break with a breathtaking view

How about concluding this review of downtown landmarks with a celebration of skyscrapers?

Despite my inability to physically visit them, I am always captivated by the allure of an unconventional high-rise building.

The skyscrapers depicted in this collection are predominantly located in the affluent district of Chengdu known as Century City.

Century City

Because twenty skyscrapers are better than one

Moving in Chengdu

Navigating through a metropolis of 21 million individuals by car can prove to be an arduous task, as one might assume. Nevertheless, akin to other Asian metropolises, a framework is established that helps minimize the excessive traffic congestion which I shall elaborate on later.

Anyway, what options exist as an alternative to automobiles?

The motorbikes parked at the base of a staircase leading to the 2nd ring road take first place, as I will explain later.

Following closely behind is Chengdu’s metro system, boasting 12 operational lines and ranking 4th in the world in terms of length.

I found the “We hope you enjoy a civilized journey” sign on the sliding door endearing; it is a rough translation of “Please behave in a civilized manner.” The people of Chengdu are indeed civilized, as I have always encountered a young man willing to give up his seat on the subway or bus, even though I am not Methuselah.

When discussing buses, which apparently can be a great place to nap even when they are crowded, we must mention the 2nd ring road, one of five ring roads in Chengdu, which spans a length of 28.4 kilometers and is entirely elevated, with a height ranging from 50 to 75 feet.

Chengdu is the only city in the world that boasts a bus line that covers an elevated road. This is why in a previous photo, we saw numerous motorcycles parked at the base of a staircase leading to a bus stop. Now, we will take a quick ride on this bus.

Bus on 2nd Ring Road

Just imagine the sight, when you drive around an entire metropolis at 65 feet of height

The suburban areas allow for a unique and enjoyable mode of transportation with the huosanlun, a three-wheeled vehicle that is prohibited in the first two rings of the city but tolerated in the suburban areas, where limited subway and bus coverage make this vehicle a viable option for travel. On the day after my arrival, I utilized the huosanlun to travel to the police station where I completed mandatory arrival forms and reported my planned movements, a procedure required of all foreigners entering Chengdu and likely throughout China.

Similar leniency is granted to young individuals offering moped rides for a small fee and street vendors selling readily available food in suburban areas.

Although never openly acknowledged, it is evident that the authorities prioritize providing opportunities for those who may face challenges in the job market rather than strictly enforcing regulations.

Housanlun in Chengdu

For a bit of three-wheel nostalgia

What about the safety of pedestrians? Let’s just say that crossing one of the numerous major intersections in Sichuan’s capital can be quite a thrilling experience, especially for those who are not accustomed to seeing bicycles, mopeds, cars, and trucks approaching from all directions, even when the light is green.

However, this doesn’t mean that the drivers are ignoring the traffic rules, as they also have their own green lights. In fact, if they were not allowed to proceed, along with the pedestrians and the cars going parallel to them, it would cause unmanageable traffic jams spanning several miles.

So, what should you do as a pedestrians in this situation? The solution is quite simple: maintain a constant speed and direction while crossing the intersection, allowing drivers to calculate your movements and avoid collisions. Any sudden changes in direction or panic-induced stops can put you in danger.

Of course, following this advice is easier said than done, and in my case, it took me three days to feel comfortable enough to cross major intersections without holding onto my friend’s hand. Actually I felt a similar sense of discomfort in Naples and Palermo, but that’s a story for another day.

Street crossing

Thrill-seekers have the option to cross a busy intersection

Museums and the like in Chengdu

Admittedly, I didn’t allocate much time on my trip to Sichuan for visiting museums since I prioritized other activities. Hence, in this section, I will only showcase a single noteworthy museum alongside two other places that I believe would appeal to almost everyone.

The first attraction worth mentioning is the Giant Panda Breeding Research Centre, recognized as the world’s leading research and conservation center for pandas. Regrettably, during my visit, the red pandas were in their breeding season, and access to their area was restricted. Nevertheless, the experience was still remarkably fascinating.

I acknowledge that the video quality may be subpar, but the official website provides a wealth of materials to enrich your knowledge about these captivating creatures, such as stunning photos and videos.

Panda having lunch

Being a panda is not so bad, after all

The museum known as the Jinsha Site provides a fascinating summary of the city’s history, starting from its inception until the present day. This tour spans across five rooms, and an additional room is dedicated to temporary exhibitions.

Apart from the museum itself, I was particularly impressed with the surrounding park which showcases some wildlife. Additionally, I admired the efforts taken to engage children by creating specially-designed displays and rooms.

Given my lack of inspiration, I think I’ll dub the final proposal in this section as The Optical Illusion Museum.

The address is not particularly relevant since there are at least five similar establishments in Chengdu, and they all offer similar entertainment. But one thing is for sure, you’ll have a blast!

Malls & karaoke

Is it necessary to dedicate a section of this post to shopping malls? Some may wonder. However, what some people may not know is that in many Asian countries, malls are a sight to behold due to their opulent decorations and attention to detail. Or perhaps you’ve already forgotten about the Global Center, which we visited a few pages back?

What I really appreciate about Chengdu’s malls are their two features: plenty of activities for children, both indoor and outdoor, and many of them have rinks for figure skating. To demonstrate how seriously Chengdunese take this activity, a few days before my visit, one rink hosted world bi-champions and Olympic runner-up Pang Qing and Tong Jiangfor a performance.

And what about the irony in the names of certain stores, playing on the fact that Chinese are famous for cloning and reproducing almost any object?

Karaokes are amazing, and I associate them to malls because they have the same energizing effect on me.

In a karaoke room you eat, drink, and occasionally even sing…

…and since I am also a singer (by the way, don’t forget to check the pages of this site dedicated to my albums), I couldn’t resist offering you an excerpt of my performance on the notes of ‘The Winner Takes It All’.
You were looking forward to this, don’t deny it! ????

The Winner Takes It All

Sir Joe, disguised as Agnetha Fältskog, performs in a karaoke room

Qingcheng mountain (the birth of Tao)

In the year 143, Zhang Ling relocated to the Tianshi cave, situated in Qincheng mountain. His aim was to attain absolute purity, establish a sense of purpose, and connect with nature. He formulated a series of precepts that laid the groundwork for the emergence of Taoism in the future.

Pan and I picked the opportunity to take a respite from the relentless entertainment in Chengdu after two weeks and chose spent a few days in a more spiritual and less ordinary location.

It’s quite effortless to reach here from Chengdu – simply take a train to Qingchenshan and then hire a cab that will take you to the grand entrance gate of the mountain in no time.

The view is enchanting even before beginning the ascent.

Ascending to the summit, which sits at an altitude of 1,220 meters, can prove to be a challenging feat. Nonetheless, the route has been fitted with steps throughout, and various refreshment stations and shaded resting areas are available along the way, rendering the journey relatively effortless and pleasurable.

The rest area located approximately halfway through the route offers a stunning temple where visitors can pray, mini-restaurants to dine in, and the possibility to witness a master practicing calligraphy, if luck is on your side.

Continuing along the path, you will also come across an inn where we stayed overnight (as shown in the video down below).

The top of the peak offers a breathtaking view. Upon arrival, visitors are encouraged to write a phrase of good wishes on a card and hang it wherever space permits.

The descent takes place on the other side of the mountain, ensuring that boredom is not a concern, even on the return journey.

This account concludes with a brief video summary. No video can capture the enchantment of ascending this mountain, and out of respect, I opted not to film prayer rituals. Nonetheless, I hope to have convinced you that if you’re in Chengdu, it’s worth setting aside a couple of days for this excursion outside the city.

Qingcheng mountain

It may not be Everest, but up there you feel like you are at the top of the world


The term Dujiangyan refers to both a UNESCO World Heritage irrigation system, built around 256 B.C. to regulate and utilize the waters of the Min Jiang River, and a city that shares the same name. This system is still operational to this day.

As you can see on the map provided by the “Sichuan Travel Guide” website, it is recommended to make a stop at the “Du Jiang” area after visiting Mt. Qincheng, before returning to Chengdu.

To fully appreciate the irrigation system, a visit to the picturesque Qinyan Tower is a must. The tower is located on a hilltop that offers a panoramic view of the entire valley. While the ascent is effortless due to the tall escalator, crossing the 261-meter-long Anlan suspension bridge over the Min Jian River may be too challenging for some due to its swaying motion. Nonetheless, this bridge is one of the oldest five in China, and any modifications made are strictly for safety purposes without compromising its authenticity.

Alternatively, visitors can reach the tower from the opposite direction. However, in my opinion, this option misses out on the exciting adventure.

The second reason to visit Dujiangyan is for its beautiful covered bridges. Interestingly, these bridges are not given any attention in the local tourist guides

In the following section, you can view a few examples and a video recap of my wonderful experience in this lovely area that is situated 45 km northwest of Chengdu.

Qinyan tower

Unforgettable view of the dujiangyan irrigation system


Nanchong, located 200 km east of Chengdu, is home to around 2.5 million people. While the city is certainly worth a visit, I must admit that I only went there at the behest of Pan, who wanted to introduce me to some of his relatives.

Nonetheless, I will share some photos with you because I discovered an intriguing practice in Nanchong that I had not seen in Chengdu – the drying of noodles and chili peppers in the streets.

Eating in Chengdu

Let’s take a moment to revisit Chengdu and delve into its food scene.While Chinese cities like Shanghai are often stereotyped as industrious and Beijing as arrogant, Chengdu’s residents are often labeled as lazy and fond of eating and having fun. However, this stereotype doesn’t reflect reality, although the significance of food in Chengdu and much of Sichuan province should not be overlooked.

In Chengdu, entire streets are dedicated to restaurants on both sides, with numerous sidewalk stalls offering ready-to-eat food in less-covered areas. With such a vast selection, the standard of quality is consistently high across establishments, regardless of their stature. Consequently, eating at home is the exception rather than the norm in Chengdu, as establishments cater to all budgets and remain open late into the night.

However, it’s important to keep your orders in check, as things can easily get out of control, as evidenced in the above photos. Additionally, amusing and unexpected events can occur while dining out, as experienced in a military-style establishment whose name has slipped my mind. The name is not important anyway, because in Chengdu eating is a celebration to be enjoyed with merriment and conviviality, and pleasant surprises can happen at any time and in any place.


Upon entering the restaurant, as usual, I find myself as the only foreigner.

The waiter, donning a camouflage suit, greets me by addressing me as ‘Master’ and proceeds to offer me a cloth to clean my glasses. Afterward, before seating me, he insists that I put on an apron to prevent my clothes from getting stained. This is a prevalent custom in China and even in South Korea, as I would later discover.

While I stare apprehensively at the pot, anticipating yet another mammoth, extremely spicy meal, a waiter with pig-like ears grabs a microphone and announces, “I will now offer a prize to a randomly selected person who can defeat me in a game of rock-paper-scissors.”

As fate would have it, he chooses the most unusual-looking person, and I manage to win against him with his generous contribution. Thus, the stuffed animal is now mine. Imagine the bus ride home, clutching that massive purple bear, which still reigns as the unrivaled king of a room in my house in Italy.

To a European, even the grocery departments of supermarkets can be intriguing due to the plethora of products that are not commonly found on our shelves.

Aside from the exotic fruits, one can find various types of soy sauce and sugar that can be bought by the pallet.

I have included a description of each item displayed below its respective photo for your convenience.

Prepare yourself for a visual feast of delectable dishes, not limited to Chinese cuisine, which can be savored at Sichuan restaurants. Please remember that clicking on a photo will display it in full size.

If you require further clarification about a particular dish, kindly leave a comment below, and I will endeavor to furnish you with additional information.

The chapter on food and drinks comes to a delicious end with a video filmed in Nanchong featuring Pan’s relatives. In the video, I explain how alcoholic beverages are served in bowls made of oven-baked mud, while food is presented on a rotating plate in the center of the table. Diners take what they can reach easily and the plate is rotated to offer more options. Once a course is finished, it is replaced with another. Typically, there are ten courses, but with Pan’s relatives, I have counted at least sixteen. I’ll leave it at that.

One thing I appreciate about the Chinese approach to eating is the absence of portion control. All dishes are placed in the center of the table, and diners take small amounts from each to put on their plate. The system works because there is complete trust that no one will take advantage and hog the best dishes, leaving the less desirable ones for others.

While this concept can be found in other Asian countries, I believe it is particularly prevalent in China due to their emphasis on collective well-being. This means that individuals will not take actions that could harm the group as a whole.

As a side note, have you ever noticed how Chinese teams excel in sports or entertainment activities that require perfect synchronization between members? This is also a result of their focus on the collective good. The pursuit of something that will not bring personal glory requires a mindset where ego is suppressed in favor of teamwork. Can you name one of these athletes or acrobats? I wouldn’t think so.

Dinner in Nanchong

The subtle art of sharing

The stolen photos in Chengdu

For this mini-section, my intention is not to showcase a particular location. Instead, I wish to present snippets of everyday life that have caught my attention and that I would like to share with you.

Chinese people have a great love for reading, and it’s the children who are the most enthusiastic readers. They can be found reading anywhere, be it in a bookstore or the book section of a supermarket.

Imagine a scene where several children and a few adults are seated on the floor, completely engrossed in their own world of reading, maintaining absolute silence. They are not bored with the imposed task, but rather express a genuine eagerness for knowledge. It’s truly amazing!

You may find it strange that a bookstore, which is intended for selling books and not lending them, allows such a thing. You must know that libraries in Chengdu are scarce and not well-organized, so bookstores compensate for the lack of this service.

As previously stated, numerous malls provide children with entertainment options, several of which are educational.

For instance, the theme of a section in this mall revolves around prehistory, specifically, dinosaurs.

Every day, as evening descends, thousands of residents of Chengdu practice Tai Chi with swords in squares, parks, and even near a pond. It is a breathtaking display of poetry in motion.

Despite the fact that almost everyone has a TV set in their home nowadays, it is still customary for bars to place a television set outside their establishment during the summer season.

This enables local residents to gather together and watch TV collectively while commenting on the content being aired.

My experience in Chengdu and Sichuan

One reason why I embarked on my trip to Sichuan was my curiosity to understand the true nature of the Chinese people. The Chinese community is generally closed off and has little interest in integrating with Western countries where they have emigrated, which makes it difficult for us to understand them. This is because many Chinese immigrants are solely focused on their business ventures, and view Westerners as customers rather than individuals to form relationships with.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, I hope that future generations of Chinese immigrants will become more integrated into Western societies. This would mean that we would see more Chinese people in various professions and roles throughout our societies.

There is also unfortunately a segment of the Chinese population that is vulnerable to human trafficking, particularly in the northern and western regions of the country. This is often due to their lack of education or their poverty. These individuals are often smuggled into Europe where they become modern-day slaves in industries such as tanneries or are forced into prostitution. Unfortunately, this problem is often ignored because the illegal entries into Europe by land are difficult to notice, contrary to those by sea, and therefore do not make enough noise for politicians to address.

Luckily, during my trip to Sichuan, I found the people to be generally cheerful, hardworking, and optimistic about their future. While they may have some justified critiques about Western culture, most of them were not brainwashed by propaganda and were open to dialogue with Westerners.

One of my best memories from the trip was watching elderly individuals practice tai chi and seeing the attention given to children’s education and leisure activities. Overall, I had a fantastic experience and can’t wait to visit Sichuan again. Check out the video summary below!

If you enjoyed reading this post, or you want to share your experiences in Sichuan, feel free to do so in the comments section below. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and would help the blog grow, allowing more people to discover it. I also encourage you to share this post with anyone who might find it useful. Thank you.


What a fantastic experience it was!